Our Famous holiday Cards

During the winter holidays, the attorneys and staff at Peacock Law P.C., in Albuquerque, NM extend warm holiday greetings to our clients, colleagues and friends. But rather than send our well wishes in a generic card, we have started a holiday tradition unique to our intellectual property law firm—designing custom-made holiday cards that feature one of our client’s patented inventions, trademarked designs or copyrighted art. (Of course, we ask permission since their work is protected intellectual property.)

Our holiday card tradition began about 20 years ago. Inside the card, recipients find more information about the image/product on the front as well as our warmest wishes for the holiday season. On the back, we include information about the inventor/artist/author, often including URLs where you can learn more and/or buy the product.

We frame a copy of each year’s card for our own hallway gallery. We also provide a framed copy for the client whose work was featured.

Holiday Card 2022

Holiday Card 2021

Holiday Card 2020

Holiday Card 2019

Holiday Card 2018

Holiday Card 2017

Holiday Card 2016

Holiday Card 2015

Holiday Card 2014

Holiday Card 2013

Holiday Card 2012

Holiday Card 2011

Holiday Card 2010

Holiday Card 2009

Holiday Card 2008

Holiday Card 2007

Holiday Card 2006

Holiday Card 2005

Holiday Card 2004

Holiday Card 2002

Holiday Card 2000

Holiday Card 1999

Holiday Card 1996

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